16:06:26 Perfect. 16:06:29 And then live record and we are good to go. 16:06:32 Cool. 16:06:34 All right, record. 16:06:38 Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. I am so flipping excited to get this party started. 16:06:45 It's been a labor of love and a whole lot of my own journey, married two things I'm learning. 16:06:53 And it's taken a lot to figure out exactly how I want to bring this forward, and I'm really excited to share. So, I have a presentation, first of all, I'm going to share my screen. 16:07:08 Because I'm all like prepared and planned everything. Can you all see my screen. 16:07:16 Hopefully 16:07:16 that's. 16:07:18 So, my name is Amanda, If you don't know me. 16:07:22 Some of you have been following me for a while, not everybody has. 16:07:26 I am a multi dimensional intuitive energy healer and a quantum leap manifestation, just out of that one. I really like it. 16:07:35 So I want to tell you a little bit about my story. 16:07:41 A lot of you have heard quite a bit of this but it's really a big piece of my journey is. It began in 2016 2016 I was a stay at home mom three kids. My whole world was about my children, and everything shifted and changed when my ex husband was arrested. 16:08:01 He was arrested for attempted human trafficking, a very serious felony offense and everything just blew up, it just, I mean, that is the biggest shocker have. 16:08:14 I have no literally no reference for even what it means meant I remember even googling like, what is, what does that even mean because it was that unheard of for me. 16:08:24 I had so many beliefs running about how I had to show up and how I had to support my family. I believed that it was my role to keep my family together to keep my family safe. 16:08:34 I had a lot of wounding from my own childhood and losing my father to a divorce. And so I believed that I had to keep my children's father in their lives, no matter what. 16:08:46 And so, I stayed and I became a victim to my circumstance the energy that I embodied was all victim. I wasn't responsible for what happened, but I was a victim to it and therefore I was stuck. 16:09:01 I couldn't find my way out. 16:09:09 And I remember even having conversations with people about, like, I can't do this I can't do this they would throw ideas at me, and I was like, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, fall victim. 16:09:18 And even as I started to come out of that victim energy and started to see that. I didn't want to be in a relationship anymore. I couldn't see the way like out of the whole field of it. 16:09:28 And I believed that I was still responsible for making sure that everything was okay. 16:09:35 And it took a very drastic shift in my energy for me to see the difference my, my children started saying things that I'm not going to repeat here but made me just what the ever loving is going on. 16:09:52 And it took that piece of really realizing that my children were in serious danger for me to step up and change, because I had been getting all of my power to the system. 16:10:04 I've been giving it to my lawyers to the evaluators to the judges, everybody else, because I believed I got myself in this mess. How can I get out like I didn't trust myself to make any changes, but once I saw that things were not going to change things 16:10:21 were only going to get worse. I said, No more. 16:10:26 I shifted, so fast. In one moment, once I decided there was literally no other outcome possible. I just like to fix this, nobody else was capable of it so it had to me. 16:10:40 And I started to understand that all of this year, and all of the programming I was running wasn't even originating from this life. It was all past stuff. 16:10:51 It was all ancestral stuff. It was all beliefs that had been run through my family, as well as past incarnations that I've had. 16:10:58 Once I got that was like leaving come from now. I'm not going to let it define my now and I'm not going to repeat that pattern again and I'm certainly not going to get to a point where I've seen my children actually be abused. 16:11:12 And so I shifted. 16:11:14 I remember the day very very clearly, where I stood up, and I said, I'm done. And I dropped every other timeline. I collapse, all the shakes I just said, I'm done. 16:11:25 And I shifted into a timeline that we were the only outcome was safety and security for me and my children. And literally, six weeks later, I had full capacity. 16:11:38 And we were going down a timeline where that was like, literally impossible and in Colorado. It is very very difficult to get custody, unfortunately, even with a felony felony offense. 16:11:48 There wasn't going to happen. 16:11:50 But I shifted so drastically and I pushed. And I just said, I'm going to make this happen and I did, and another six weeks later he completely vanished from our lives, like it's been over a year and zero contact, which isn't even when I asked for. 16:12:05 Originally, I just wanted to be safe. 16:12:07 And so once I got out of that. I also continue to still have a lot of triggers and leftover trauma in my field. I struggled anytime any type of gaslighting energy hit me. 16:12:18 I like massive reaction to it. And it's because I was still holding a lot of that trauma resonance in my field and my, what I had gone through as an energy body still had a whole lot of cleanup and work to be done. 16:12:35 And that's when I jumped into a lot of the healing modalities. And that's when I started to understand that so many things that we've gone through, have to be addressed on so many different levels like we can address our emotions, we can address the mental 16:12:47 story but we have to also address the physical body, and the spiritual body and the things that happened to us on a soul level two. 16:12:56 So that's, that's a little bit of my journey and my story. And it's been quite a, quite some time to get here but I also want to point out it's, It can happen really really fast. 16:13:11 So, my mission right now and the reason that I'm here and the reason that I'm sharing all of this with you is, I believe with my whole being that I'm here to step out a way short and as a guide for others who've been through really heavy stuff. 16:13:27 We all get stuck, so many of you so many people can relate to getting stuck, either in situations, they don't know how to get out of, or even if they get out of the situation. 16:13:36 They don't know what to do next. They get, like, they feel just locked. 16:13:42 If you can relate, let me know but it is so common, I think, feeling stock is probably like the most common thing I hear in my sessions like I'm stuck. 16:13:51 And so, I want to be the example of what is really possible when we allow ourselves to fully heal on all levels of our body heart or soul, everything, because it is so possible to do so much more so much more. 16:14:10 Yes. So welcome, welcome. 16:14:14 Alright, so I want to drop some things into your field. 16:14:21 What if healing didn't have to be painful. 16:14:47 There's this belief in the metaphysical world, or even in modern like therapy that healing is painful it takes time. Right. Time heals all wounds. 16:14:42 What if What if that's not true. 16:14:46 What if there's a faster, better way. 16:14:49 What if, now this was a big realization for me and this this this download that I got was really what sparked this entire course, this entire thing is, I realized that it wasn't that those traumatic events that happened that trauma that happened to me 16:15:07 and my family. It wasn't about learning a lesson. 16:15:12 It wasn't even about clearing ancestral patterns. It wasn't even about those things, it was intended to show me something to awaken like that was the whole point. 16:15:26 It was a catalyst event that created momentum. It created energy that built up in me that allowed me to make the jump into the place that I needed to be. 16:15:39 Without that momentum I did still been stuck. 16:15:43 But because it was so big and so drastic. 16:15:46 I got to the point where there was no other option but to shift, but to wake up, but to expand my reality, expand possibility, all of it. 16:15:58 And so I want to put the possibility, and the opportunity into your field that perhaps things that you have been through to. We're here to show you something. 16:16:08 We're here to be a part of your awakening process. And we're here to help you. Literally jump into the place that you're meant to be, so that you we can all rise and shift together. 16:16:21 Okay. 16:16:22 Because when we can see what we've been through in that new lens. 16:16:28 And when we stop saying it's a lesson and we stop seeing it as a victim and all of that, we can actually start to recognize that what we're seeing is our catalyst. 16:16:41 We are seeing the thing that literally had to shake us a week. 16:16:47 And it changes things energetically inside us, it is no longer. I'm not defined by what happened to me it is absolutely a part of my story, for sure, but I'm not only not defined by it but I can continue to use the momentum to drive me to say, like, I 16:17:05 picked up the coding for this. I know how to get through this. how can I help others do the same. It continues to drive me because I see the broken mess in the system, I see that there isn't people stepping out and saying, there is a better way to heal, 16:17:20 there is a better way to not have to hold on to this stuff, there's a better way to actually reconnect to our sole mission that realization that catalyst, as the momentum to create so much possibility, so much. 16:17:37 Okay. 16:17:39 Alright, so the first piece that I really want to go and dive deeper into is this idea of psychic expansion, because when we go through these things, we shut ourselves off. 16:17:52 Right. How many people who been through trauma are like energetically shut down, they don't have things turned on, they don't are not seeing information, they're not picking it up, and they feel like they want that especially as they step into the spiritual 16:18:06 world. 16:18:08 But they don't feel gifted, they don't feel special. They don't think they can. 16:18:13 It was certainly my truth when I, when I first started, I absolutely believed that I wasn't special. 16:18:23 I was very very curious to learn more, and I couldn't get enough learning, but I didn't think I could do any of the things you can really let me know, but it's very very common. 16:18:37 And what's really interesting is that our senses, our psychic senses are just extensions of our five senses. They're not some extra gift that gets handed to us. 16:18:52 And so it's really interesting that we've separated them, we'd like pulled them apart, like, we're going to call them are right or Claire senses versus a regular senses they're, they're actually not the same. 16:19:08 Marla, right. 16:19:11 So, you can really good. 16:19:15 And we feel like that we feel like we can't quite reach it. 16:19:18 And for me, I know, I really wanted to be able to see, like I wanted to be able to see beings on the other side. 16:19:28 I believed that that was like the thing that was going to shift, I would understand. I could believe, or something. 16:19:36 And I made myself wrong because my senses don't work, like, I believe they should I for such a long time. Thought I can't do those things and I told myself this story and literally programmed it to be true, because I didn't work like I was supposed to. 16:19:55 I don't see I don't get that, that's just No. 16:19:59 But what finally hit me is that there was a reason for it. 16:20:04 There's a reason and there's a reason that you haven't figured it out, either because what if your senses work differently because there's a superpower you're missing. 16:20:18 Let me explain. 16:20:19 So, anybody who's worked with me in a session, or have been in other classes with me know that I am flippin fast. 16:20:28 I am really, really fast with energy. 16:20:33 And it didn't it didn't wasn't something I knew when I first started this work but there's even running jokes like my last name is quick and I'm super quick. 16:20:42 But if I waited for my site to turn on. 16:20:49 I would not be where I am today because I can't be as fast, if I wait for that translation, I'm fast because my knowing, and my sensing is so fast. 16:21:03 So I get things and I get energy, and I'm able to move through quantum realities, without ever waiting to translate to a picture. I don't need it. 16:21:13 And if I allowed myself to build up the story about this is what the Akashic is and I have to see the whole scene play out, rather than go, this is the energy of it I found it and I can pull it out and I can move it. 16:21:25 It would take so much longer and I would miss the magic of who I am. 16:21:31 In my speed in my accuracy in my ability to move energy and work with energy in a way that's unique to me. 16:21:39 If I had wanted and waited for me to work like everybody else because it wouldn't have ever happened right like we're not other people. Some people are very very visual. 16:21:48 And they have beautiful pictures in their minds I with colors and shapes, and they see you're welcome Nicole. 16:21:57 You're welcome. You have blue beautiful pictures and visuals and they are, they are visual and they do have those beautiful visions to share, but their superpowers are different. 16:22:10 We cannot compare ourselves to other people, even amongst intuitive. 16:22:17 We're so different. And we need to be, because we are here to bring forward different energy, different pieces, what my team is here to do isn't the same as the person who has the beautiful vision, and I wouldn't want it to be. 16:22:29 And so I had to focus on heightening and growing, who I was. And so my knowing is my strongest my fastest I just, I don't can't tell you how I know I just do. 16:22:45 And the next thing that turned on for me really valid was my feeling in my body and sessions with people and I'm like, you're this hurts I like that just comes naturally to me and my body speaks to me that way. 16:23:00 I'm able to work with somebody because, exactly. 16:23:04 Because I can feel it. And then I know what it is, but I almost never see it, and if I do see it it's very very holographic. 16:23:12 And that doesn't make me wrong, I had to focus on expanding the things I had. 16:23:18 Yes, exactly. Exactly Martha right like I physically feel the pain in my body, and people think it's a bad thing but it's just the way my body speaks to somebody else. 16:23:29 And so we have to find the thing that's us. And there's some key keys and clues if we look back along our journey. 16:23:38 About, especially as a child or when we were in school, how we learned is a potential clue of some of the senses that are likely going to be your strongest people who are very auditory learners often have Claire audience. 16:23:53 People who are very visual right and see those beautiful pictures, often end up being very clairvoyant, it's not always directly connected but it gives us some clues, because it is how we read information through our senses, it's the same type of information 16:24:08 it's just a higher frequency. Right, so all we're doing is turning up the frequency of how our senses are communicating with us. That's it. 16:24:18 So how do you normally receive information like how what works for you. 16:24:23 If you like reading, you might be more visual. If you like hearing tunes you might be more audio and there's everything in between. 16:24:31 So stop making yourself wrong. 16:24:34 But if you are super hyper as a kid. Oh my gosh, you might be more doing you might be more kinesthetic, and it might be really important for you to practice something and feel it and do it in order to fully download it, don't make sense like you might 16:24:50 be needing to move in order to get the information. 16:24:54 And so it's something to explore and to play with it. 16:24:58 About a kinesthetic learners and that's actually one of the hardest things to do when you're like learning over a new thing because you, it's hard to practice, and that's where it's really important to actually try, actually, like, do the work and do 16:25:10 the exercises and get with others. 16:25:14 And from receiving information standpoint, you have to see, are you receiving information through your body, are you receiving information like sensations, do you get the goosebumps. 16:25:25 Do you get you get messages spoken to you, like, maybe you need to actually, I'm wondering like some moving meditations, if that would help you as well. 16:25:35 So just things to think through. 16:25:38 Okay. 16:25:40 So, once we understand this, you, you have ringing in your ears all the time right now and you're right here, right so those are. 16:25:50 One way that downloads come in so you might be clear audience maybe turning on. 16:25:55 I know for me, I don't always like doesn't turn into something else the ringing just means that there's information coming in but I need to participate in. 16:26:05 Well, it doesn't surprise me you're in. In, I'm literally sending out all sorts of codes energetically to you and you're receiving them how your body is going to receive them. 16:26:13 Like that's just how these things work sometimes it's loud. Yep. And you can ask your body to turn it down, you can ask your body to Just receive it rather than like having to hear it. 16:26:23 Like you can actually have those conversations with your body. 16:26:29 So, being a might never actually know what it is to sometimes it's just information you're digesting and receiving. 16:26:35 Okay, so once we kind of understand that our psychic senses are extensions to ourself, then. Okay, so how do we actually get the information we want right how many, so many of us want to broaden that perspective and receive a wider range of information. 16:26:54 Now this is a big key, especially those who have been through trauma. 16:27:00 We're not in our day and bodies in the first place. How can we receive information from our senses. Clearly, if we're not fully in our bodies. 16:27:11 This is something I struggled with for a long time, because it was really easy for me to jump out of my body and just be in my mind and like right how many of us have the hamster wheel going in our heads, all the time, and every time we try to sit down 16:27:23 and meditate, we are thinking about our grocery list or our to do list or whatever, right, this was me. Still is me, sometimes, like, it's not a once and done fix but it is really really important to figure out how to get back in our bodies. 16:27:41 And when we because when we live in unsafe unsafe situations, our energy just says it's not safe to be here it's not safe to feel these things. 16:27:50 And so we basically step outside of our bodies i mean but we're still operating on autopilot, but we're not present. 16:27:59 And we don't even allow ourselves to be president inside our bodies. 16:28:03 And so we have to get reconnected to our physical body. Before we can actually fully amplify those senses, because we got to be here to turn it on right like there's there's a missing step. 16:28:15 And so, I, I know I posted about this challenge I am going to do it, there's more more to come on that we're going to start on the first, but some things I want to give you now for things to practice with of my favorite ways to get back in my body. 16:28:33 Our first one here is exercise with intention. And what I mean by this is, this was actually given to me by like a therapist. A few years ago, when I was going to and I told me like, No, I'm not going to do that. 16:28:48 When she first told me, but she was totally right. So I was somebody who like had a daily run every day. That was my therapy. 16:28:57 I would even say like, what's when I get out of my head, except there was also totally out of my body while I was exercising and money. 16:29:04 And what she would have me do is, and it was really actually helpful that I was doing movement, so it doesn't have to be running. It could be yoga, it could be walking in nature, it could be any various type of movement, but actually going okay I'm running. 16:29:21 But if the water the soles of my feet feel like how does it feel when I land, how does my muscles feel as I'm running. How does my legs feel kind of my lungs feel Can I feel them expanding. 16:29:32 Can I feel a sweat coming down my body, can I feel my breath. If I'm outside Can I feel the wind blowing, like, really be intentional about the sensations in our bodies, as we're moving, because it's forcing us to fully be connected. 16:29:52 It's it's forcing us to fully be connected. It actually makes exercise, slightly harder, but because you're focused on it, but it's a really key to be moving in our bodies and like, how does my body actually want to move when I'm doing these things. 16:30:06 And it's funny because I was like a religious about my running, and now it shifted, because my body doesn't like that type of movement, every day. 16:30:16 But I had to get in my body to feel that and understand that. I was actually even harming myself. 16:30:24 And just but I wouldn't have known that had I not been in my body. 16:30:28 The other one, obviously, meditation, now this is, this is not my favorite if you've got full on a hamster wheel going because it's really difficult to just like totally turn it off and sit there. 16:30:39 But once you start being able to have a little bit of quiet meditation is great to expand on it because you can focus. 16:30:48 I read a book, early on in my journey The Power of Now, that actually helped me learn how to meditate, if that makes sense, because I didn't even fully understand what I needed to do and how to shut things off, and similar to how I talked about with exercising 16:31:06 exercising with intention, what I did when I was trying to figure out how to meditate was go further in my body, but this time whipping still. 16:31:15 And so, if you are sitting in a meditative state. Then I like getting so quiet so I'm looking to hear my own heart beating. 16:31:33 I'm looking to actually feel the blood moving in and out of my heart like can I get that quiet. can I get to the point where I can hear my breath, I can feel like things expanding and moving and shutting out everything around us and getting so quiet, 16:31:44 that we feel our heart feel and hear our heart beating like that type of focused quiet meditation is really helpful because you have to go inside. With your mind into your body in order to do that. 16:32:00 Okay. 16:32:02 sensory deprivation is another one. I love the float tank if you've not been to a flipping, you should go float tank. 16:32:11 It's amazing. 16:32:11 The like super duper salted water and you like basically fall asleep on the water. It's amazing. 16:32:19 And it's really, really nice to fully turn off all of the outfits in the region, so that you can really focus on being present with self. 16:32:32 And then the opposite of that is actually stimulation and this is another one that's fun to play with when we're starting to turn our senses on and up, and we have to be present in our body to even notice them, and so it kind of forces, our consciousness 16:32:44 to be like, well, what am I doing, but things like going from quiet too loud hot to cold, different textures like playing with various sensory simulations, and then taking it away, is allowing us to really play with the feelings and sensations of being 16:33:02 in the human body, like that's the key. What is it feel like to be present in your body and how can you bring more of those activities in your day to day life. 16:33:13 Okay. 16:33:17 And then, this next one I want to talk about. And I think I've said this to y'all, a bunch of times but I'm going to say it again. 16:33:25 We have to stop shutting down our inner knowing. 16:33:30 And people are like, Well how do I know I'm whatever saying things like how, how many of you know that your body doesn't like to eat a certain thing. 16:33:39 And you still do. 16:33:42 Totally guilty. 16:33:43 But I'm aware of it, because I've had the conversation, and I'm like, my body doesn't really like to have caffeine, for instance, I really love coffee. 16:33:57 So they're on go back and forth I mean off the coffee and then sometimes my body also doesn't like my sugar habit. 16:34:06 I, you know, sometimes I let it slip. So, those type of things are actually things we do to shut ourselves down, because just like the friend, who is giving you advice, all the time, and saying hey you should do this or Hey you should do this, and then 16:34:21 you would just ignore them over and over and over again. 16:34:25 They're going to stop giving you advice, they're going to stop talking to you. You don't want to hear it. 16:34:30 Your body's doing the same thing. 16:34:32 Nobody's telling you, This is what I need this is what we like, this is how we grow and expand and we continue to be like yeah but I don't want to. 16:34:41 We're shutting ourselves down. 16:34:43 We're literally saying you don't know anything. And so your body, which is connected to all of your senses and it's connected to giving you all this information, you're saying you're wrong. 16:34:53 So it's not going to give you that information. 16:34:57 Right. 16:34:59 Like, it's, it's no fun to hear but at the same time like it's super key. If you want your body to give you the information about the wider spectrum. 16:35:08 You can't shut it down. 16:35:11 So many unmuted themselves. 16:35:16 And so we can't shut ourselves down, we have to really listen my problem is I can't quit eating the foods like me, it's hard for me to drink water because I've gotten in the habit right so we have to rewrite those habits, Cynthia. 16:35:33 Exactly. 16:35:33 It doesn't we have to rewrite those habits and we have to find that things are running does want, and we have to really say like, I want to do these things. 16:35:43 So, how do I shift this and we don't have to literally like drop everything in an instant like that doesn't make sense. But you have exactly Marianne you have to be friends with all parts of yourself right we have to reconnect to ourselves and go. 16:35:57 If I want my body and my senses to work with me and speak to me. I've got to support them, I gotta listen I got to, like, Bring those things to sell. 16:36:08 And sometimes your body gets louder. It's true, right, it's making you listen, because sometimes we then develop things that happen because we didn't listen, or bigger bigger things end up happening and so this is the other thing that I don't, I don't 16:36:23 want to scare anybody. But, at what point, what is it going to take for you to listen, so that you have the relationship with your body that you want that you have the health that you want, like all of those things, like, what is it, what does it take 16:36:39 to listen. 16:36:39 And so we have to have to. It's not just food either it's literally everything. 16:36:46 So yeah, your body is talking to you, Cynthia I know that that's not an easy habit to break. There are lots of things we can, we can do to look at but it's really important to go Why is that happening, What is my body seems to me. 16:37:01 What is the message here. 16:37:04 Right. So you're trying, so you're at least listening, and you're aware of it. So that's the key here, you're at least aware of it, and that's that's the first step for everything. 16:37:14 The first step is awareness, so I don't want it like don't nobody go beat yourself up about not eating the things you know you should eat, but being aware of them and starting to go okay body I hear you, we're going to work on it is super crucial. 16:37:29 So that's that's the big, big first step, big person. 16:37:35 And so, I do my darndest, and I will say I'm totally human and I'm not perfect by any means but I do my best to listen to my body requests when it comes to movement, and food, especially movement and food, and then I will really test into like even what 16:37:53 is my body want to wear like, what, what is the most expensive thing for me to do next and listen to my body so that I'm really moving towards, like, okay, we're, we're, we're in communication we're in conversation I listened to you I believe you. 16:38:09 If my body asks for more rest. I'm going to give it more rest for instance, there are definitely days where I'm like, Oh, I should exercise I should do these things and my body's like, no, we're tired. 16:38:22 I need to listen. 16:38:24 Okay. 16:38:27 So, 16:38:30 hold on one second My children are being very good. 16:38:41 Talking to Alexa in the background. 16:38:45 All right. So, once we turn on and up our senses. Once we are in more of a conversation with our body, and we get to the point where we want to, we want to hear guide teams. 16:38:58 We want to hear. 16:39:00 Our ancestors we want to start expanding and some of us are going to have really fast connection to the Galactic rounds to that come through, but we want to start to hear it. 16:39:09 How do we start to do that. 16:39:11 So like I said, the first step is awareness, that it even exists right. We can't connect to something we don't even know exists. And so that's the very first piece is that it's even there. 16:39:25 The other awareness that I'd like to drop into your field is everybody who has decided that they're not capable of telepathy. 16:39:34 You're wrong. Everybody is every day, being tough having telepathic conversations with your guide teams, right now, this was like one of the biggest Aha, for me, when I like, I wanted connection I wanted to find these things. 16:39:52 I took me some time to go. Wait a minute. 16:39:56 Who the hell am I talking to you in my head all day every day. 16:40:00 It's not myself. And if it is myself, it's myself from the future or myself in a parallel timeline, it's not this self. 16:40:09 Everybody is having telepathic conversations with somebody. Many people all day, every day. 16:40:17 So that's, that's a big key for you, because, yes, you want it. But you already have it, this is the thing, like so many things people think it's so out of reach. 16:40:30 But when you get to the when you start asking questions and start realizing, wait a minute. Did that thought come from me, ask the next time you have a thought out of nowhere, right we get end of it random ideas come in our head, ask the question, wait 16:40:44 a minute, did that thought come from me. I can almost guarantee you, it didn't. Most of the big ideas that popped into your head are not from you. 16:40:57 And so it's really key to go away. Who said that, right. 16:41:01 And sometimes we don't know, sometimes it's just one of our, our friends, or an aspect of self or others. If it's a very negative thought especially, that's where we go Wait a minute, I don't speak to me like that. 16:41:14 And we send that not so friendly person packing. 16:41:19 Yeah, telepathy is really amped up, and it's the awareness, first of all that you're doing it, that really helps it, because we have this belief in society that because it's in our head, it must come from us. 16:41:31 But that's just not actually how energy works. 16:41:34 And so that's that's really important. The other. The second thing is really important when we're trying to expand the contact is releasing fear. 16:41:43 Some of us even though we want it. 16:41:46 We're afraid of it. 16:41:48 A lot of us are still carrying, which wounding from with travel time. 16:41:52 And if it wasn't even happening to us we're reading it in the collective and we're implanting that record as something that happened to us. And so we need to. 16:42:02 Yep. 16:42:03 We need to release their wounding that it's not safe, that we will be persecuted, all of those fears that come up when we think about connecting to others needs to be dropped. 16:42:15 Because if we're literally going to block it my brain. Yeah, my heart believes my brain says, right, so we've got to look at why right we've got to look at the blocks that we've put in place some of us literally have vows in place to say I will never 16:42:28 do this again because it's not safe. 16:42:30 So everywhere, you've got a vow hold holding that you are not going to have contact on the other side that's just trying to create that one right now pull it out. 16:42:38 Just don't need it. 16:42:40 Because this time is different. It is different now it is not unsafe to have that expanded awareness of a strong knowing that a child is in trouble my daughter's friend and I kept feeling like I needed to go and get her. 16:42:55 So we did, yeah. 16:42:56 Yeah, exactly. 16:43:00 Yeah, exactly. Good. What scares us the most is not our inability to do something, but our own power that is accurate Marianne absolutely right. How many of us, right, we have all of these install the reasons why we can't do something. 16:43:16 But reality it's not actually the that we can't that were scared that we're talking powerful, 16:43:24 but like True Story y'all are so get over it. 16:43:28 It's time to step up, right. 16:43:31 So, release that fear, all of the time when you think about connecting and you think, and then there's the whole modern metaphysics, let's call in protection. 16:43:41 Nonsense, want to call it nonsense. Don't do that. 16:43:45 Is disempowering your ability to stand in your own damn power, because you are capable of telling anybody who's allowed in your field. 16:43:56 Seriously, scholarship. 16:43:59 It's not necessary. 16:44:01 You are so powerful that you can kick out anybody who's not supposed to be there. You don't need any Archangel to help you, because really whoever comes isn't that the way 16:44:12 it is super super key to trust that you are capable and powerful, you have the awareness that you need. You can release the fear, you can hold your damn boundaries, you can say this is okay and this is not and if other beings like change those boundaries 16:44:30 and try to show up anyway, you can say, Nope, and kick them out. You are capable of all of that and a whole lot more. 16:44:39 So once you've got that through, then all you have to do is tune in. 16:44:46 All you have to do is tune in. 16:44:49 Right. 16:44:51 We're magical, magical AF. 16:44:55 So, to tune in, there are a handful of ways. These are some really basic ways and some of my favorites to start because it's so flipping simple. 16:45:07 It is so simple, and we make it seem so complicated and so I would have reached but it's not, it's not so intuitive writing is like, where you get a journal. 16:45:21 I don't know, 40,000 of them. 16:45:24 And those of you who don't feel like you're writers just, just try. 16:45:41 When you get a journal and you ask a question and you say, I'm going to call in my, my guide team I'm going to ask them to step forward arm and asking us to step forward and you just write the question out and allow the answer to flow, really that simple. 16:45:47 Cynthia says I keep feeling like I'm blocked or resisting, you don't know why. 16:45:53 So you're not blocked. 16:45:57 Unless you've installed the block. So, it always comes back to self. 16:46:02 And so, what and what comes up, what's the story you're telling yourself. That's where I always start. 16:46:09 What's the story you were telling yourself so first of all you told yourself you're blocked. 16:46:13 So let's destroy it and create that one right now. 16:46:17 Like, you don't, you don't need to know who they are. You don't need to know who they are. You don't need to know their names. You don't need to know anything other than how they feel. 16:46:24 So if it beings coming to your awareness and they feel like friends. 16:46:31 Trust, that if things come in your awareness and your heart starts beating and you're like, just like you get the heebie jeebies with, you know, the random dude that showed up. 16:46:40 It's the same thing, it's no different you're capable of discerning. Right. 16:46:52 Regular humans, other beings aren't different trust your body's reactions. Trust your feelings and your knowing. 16:46:55 This one feels safe this one doesn't. 16:46:58 It's the same. It's literally no different. The same senses turn on our same ability to go like, totally. There you go. 16:47:09 Right. You can't see them, but you can feel them, you can know them, you can go This doesn't sound right and go. No, you can go. Or you can feel like this is like talking to an old friend trust it. 16:47:26 Trust it you get really hot when you're meditating, that's totally your body trying to give you information, and like I know when I was first starting to meditate I would get these like waves of goose bumps up and down my body. 16:47:38 Like, just energy moving. 16:47:42 Energy moment my guess is you're getting hot because they're your team is coming in to give you information. 16:47:47 And so some people have that, like hot, cold reaction. 16:47:52 It's just your, your body's way of communicating so you need to, like, pay attention. Basically, when those things happen. 16:48:01 And so we do intuitive writing where we asked questions and we just write it out. 16:48:06 Totally. Totally. That's exactly what you're doing, Cynthia, you're already doing it. Like, legitimately legitimately you already channeling and aspect itself and answering that. 16:48:18 Like, you're, it's not more complicated than that. 16:48:23 The answer that comes is the answer that came through you. 16:48:36 Just because you don't have a human standing in front of you or a picture doesn't mean it's not true. And so this so intuitive writing can be a way. I know for me, the, the thought comes into my mind before I can even get it on paper. 16:48:41 That's just how it works, but it doesn't mean getting on paper, even as an a bad thing because for practicing. We're practicing allowing the channel to come through. 16:48:50 Seriously, side, side note story here but I talked to myself so much that it became a running joke back when I was working, like in an office, like to just be be quiet because I literally would talk to myself all day every day like what I was doing I 16:49:12 just had to get over it over I said my heart I was pounds and I get a bit scared even when friendly show up it's, it's the middle of the night, or I'm asleep need to check in. 16:49:21 After my startle reflex calm. Yeah, right. 16:49:25 Well, and that may be you just your body's way of being like somebody here. Like, and, like, Wait, who are you, but it's like he just your body's way of communicating. 16:49:36 Yeah, totally. You argue with yourself because you're. It's like you're arguing with a friend but it's just in your head. 16:49:42 That is you already are telepathically communicating. Like, they're legit already doing it. 16:49:49 So it's just about expanding it and understanding and and broaden the awareness. 16:49:54 But you're already doing it already doing it. 16:49:58 So, we'll talk about that. I mean, you might, but there's a, there could be, you could be talking with beings in your body or you could talk to be being talking, talking with things out of your body, so that's depends on what's going on there. 16:50:12 But, but you are having telepathic conversation is is really the big like you're already doing it. 16:50:17 Okay. 16:50:19 The other thing I really like to do. I really love, love a pendulum, especially when I first started out, and I was like, there's somebody here. 16:50:28 There's somebody here, like that I get the Yes Okay. 16:50:31 Is it, is it a ancestor, and I'm asked yes or no. Is it a friend, yes or no, like I would, I would have yes no questions with my pendulum, as a way to communicate with other beings. 16:50:47 What happened when I was mad mostly or hurt. Yep. Yeah. 16:50:47 So that's totally possible to you that you've got things that come in those times, or that there's somebody kind of coming into your body at that time to take over for a minute. 16:50:58 We'll talk more about those things. 16:51:00 So yes, pendulums yes no questions I have had many many conversations with different spirit with even galactic beings with my pendulum, because sometimes I don't get clarity and I just am like, Who are you, do I know you. 16:51:19 Are you a collective I know. Are you a friend I know. 16:51:22 And I would just try to, I really want to discern it who I was speaking to. 16:51:27 And if I didn't get a name. 16:51:29 I would use my pendulum to get at least get clearer. 16:51:33 And then also, especially with our team or disseminated humans. Our ancestors tarot cards are fantastic. 16:51:43 If there's a message coming through, and you're not getting a whole lot, other than feeling them and validating that they're there, sometimes pulling a couple cards and seeing if you can get a message from the cards and I don't mean look at the book. 16:51:56 I mean, pull a card and go what strikes me in this card as relevant. 16:52:01 So I would love for you all to try that those things and see if you can play with connecting to your teams connecting with ancestors, because I promise you, as Cynthia was saying, You're basically already doing it, you're just not aware that that's what 16:52:18 you're doing. 16:52:19 And that's why it's so key to turn this awareness on so that you can start to get more information, and start to figure out who you're speaking to, or at least what dimension they're in and, like what you know what type of message they have. 16:52:35 And before I switch slides I last thing I want to say about this is the biggest thing that I think I had to realize about when we are tapping in and having conversations with other beings. 16:52:51 Is that just because they're not in this 3d physical form, does not mean that they are more knowing more all knowing more. 16:53:02 Anything than you are. 16:53:05 We have this belief in the metaphysical world that are angels or our guide teams, know what we should do know what's right for us know what's going on in the world, more than we do. 16:53:20 All they have is a perspective, they have a perspective to bring to add against your own. So don't disempower yourself by trusting the messages you've got from others more than your own knowing, always, always, always, always check back in with yourself 16:53:42 before you act on any messages gets popped into me start from yes and no questions. The story starts to unfold. 16:53:48 Yeah, exactly. And that up right it just slowly built like the get Yes No, 16:53:57 actually I think we know more. Right. Yeah. 16:54:01 We actually have more understanding especially about our own soul, right, about what we who we are, we definitely know more. 16:54:10 Yes, it's not truth. Exactly. 16:54:13 They're just doing a situation from their own lens exactly Holly, they're not more enlightened. They're not more knowing they are viewing something through their own lending their own perspective. 16:54:25 And even when we talk about we go into the, you know, the Galactic collectives, they're also not more knowing they're bringing their own lending as a perspective to bus. 16:54:37 So, this is a big like, well, what's the point of talking to them well. The point is perspective to broaden our understanding, they might have new information to share. 16:54:48 But it is doesn't need to negate your own truth. In fact, it should never negate your own truth it should just add to it. 16:54:56 So yes, we're here learning duality we're here learning. So many perspectives. Right, especially right now there's Oh the perspectives. Yes, great point Marianne they can bring light to blind spots things we hadn't considered, they can make you say oh, 16:55:13 maybe we should look in this direction, but always always always always check back in with your own knowing, just like you wouldn't listen to your friends advice every single for your entire life. 16:55:25 This industry. Like always, always, always, you have to absolutely stand in your power and say, I know me best. I know what's right for me best. 16:55:53 Absolutely, so super super important, and pointers for your testing. 16:55:44 Yes, I love it. That's my favorite what specific like what are your issues with your testing like what are your. 16:55:54 Where are your struggle points. 16:55:56 Do you feel like you just don't get answers consistency. Okay. Yes, so this is a big one here too. So how many times you asking the same question. 16:56:08 Like are you asking the same question and being like, oh, let me just double check. 16:56:14 Why didn't you go with your first answer. 16:56:17 Why didn't you trust yourself the first time. 16:56:21 Because this is a this is a big thing here. 16:56:25 Just like right so if I say hey you asked me a question, and I'm like, here's my answer and you asked me 10 more times. I'm like fine you don't like that answer. 16:56:36 I'm going to get different one. 16:56:38 So that's one possibility is that you're not trusting and going and moving through everything as you get information, until your body's like I gave me a different answer fine, you don't like that one. 16:56:52 Right. 16:56:52 So that's a bit one very big possibility there is possibility that you could have interference in your field, and somebody else's answering sometimes and so that's really important to make sure that you are centered in self, when you're asking those questions. 16:57:05 The other possibility is that there are potentially could be walk ins in your field too so those are all possibilities but the key here is trust. The first answer and start with the things that don't matter, like don't go through testing, big things when 16:57:21 you first start playing with the pendulums like don't do that. 16:57:25 If you should have an apple or an orange, ask if you should take, you know, the long way or the short way to work, like, ask those type of questions that are fairly inconsequential so that you can really get comfortable with the feeling of what yes and 16:57:37 what no really means. Because I don't, I almost never use the pendulum anymore, unless I really don't know because my body at this point, like I know what my yes and my No, really feels like in my body, but I didn't do it first. 16:57:52 And I really like I can control this with my mind. Absolutely I can be like them to me Show me yes and let me show me know, and so if I'm stuck on my answer. 16:58:02 I can totally influence the pendulum. It really helps if you have no idea, or have no. Like, you're not, you're not holding on to one particular answer being right like it has to not matter. 16:58:18 You're learning what and how to ask I was told to stop asking so many questions is. 16:58:25 There you go. Yes, exactly. So, I also it was a question Oscar I really like the Y game. 16:58:34 Anybody else why game can, yeah, that was me. 16:58:37 Because we're curious, and that's not a bad thing so everywhere you have been told that that is something that is a wrongness let's pull that one out of your field right now because curiosity and the ability to ask good questions is actually how we expand. 16:58:53 That's super super key. So keep asking questions, keep expanding keep wanting more information, but don't disempower yourself and not trust the answers you're getting. 16:59:03 Because even if you're quote wrong, you're not wrong, it's all a perspective it's all an opportunity to step into whatever is next. 16:59:12 Okay, so everybody decided that, like, you have to be right every time before you can do anything like destroy that now I'm not right every time. No way. 16:59:20 I have a perspective, and I current cleansing that I'm coming to the table with in everything I do. 16:59:29 like that's we're just we are human. 16:59:29 So, it's important not to disempower. 16:59:33 I asked questions nobody had answers to so I stopped self empowerment. 16:59:38 Yep, so go find them right now with your new set of awareness, you can, like, I used to ask, super crazy existential universe questions, and like I would just allow random answers to come to me. 16:59:52 Like that's super fun like just see where your mind goes see what you can actually explore within your own consciousness and just follow threads. 17:00:01 Really fun exercise. 17:00:05 Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome. OK, the next piece. This is the heavier stuff that I want to talk about is how do we actually optimize and transmute, the things we've been through this traumatic events. 17:00:19 Because as we expand our senses, we still have to deal with all this stuff that's going on in our bodies right, we have to deal with the stories that have been we've walked through. 17:00:30 We have to deal with what has happened. 17:00:32 And we can't just bypass it as much as we want to, like, much as I want to. 17:00:40 And so, for me, I had to learn that trauma isn't what I thought it was. 17:00:51 It is not something that we had to carry for my friends, I mean I don't know how many times people have said, like trauma survivors were right healing, I don't know how many Facebook groups that are out there about healing trauma, like, it's like it's 17:01:17 just, it's lifetime. 17:01:06 Like project. 17:01:09 So, and that we have to go to therapy for years and years and years and years. 17:01:13 There was not one to write. So, it's not something we have to carry with us. It's not something that we have to be burdened with. 17:01:21 In fact, most of what you're carrying as your trauma isn't even yours is another big one, we're carrying trauma in our field that didn't even wasn't even our to begin with, we just installed it as ours. 17:01:36 And if it is ours, it's probably not even from this life. There are some things that are absolutely, but so much of the origin of the cycles that we have continued to install and repeat didn't start now. 17:01:50 So, traditional therapy, obviously really can only go so far, because it really doesn't address the core root, and it doesn't even unravel any part of what happens to us on a soul level, especially those big ones like it just, they don't see it right, 17:02:05 they just want you to talk it out. And in some cases, I'm not dissing therapists by any means but in some cases it can even deep into one day, because you're basically told to repeat the story so many times that it actually leads down and repeat those 17:02:20 mechanics, harder. 17:02:21 So, my healing and releasing those events from our field, you're actually able to then create that catalyst that momentum that you need to rise into who you came here to be. 17:02:33 That's the key. Right. We can heal and grow and shift, these, an outcome is our trauma to a point that we can shift, so much and step into where we need to go. 17:02:46 So, couple different things, a couple different types of Catholic trauma. 17:02:53 It's really important so those of you who don't know, the Akashic records, I think pretty much everybody here is aware of what they are but the old data of all of our past incarnations. 17:03:05 They hold the stories, the cords, the contracts, the beliefs, the emotions, all of the information about all of our past incarnations, as well as the ancestral patterns so the things that your mother walked through and her mother walk through and her 17:03:21 mother walked through are stored in the records and they're stored as part of your mother lane story, and a lot like how many of us have repeated our mom's relationship stuff, right, yeah, definitely, definitely have some parallels in my life. 17:03:38 How many of us have, you know, parts of our father that we have installed as our reality and it has caused us to repeat similar patterns we hold all of that beliefs, and we hold all of those patterns in our fields and we repeat them. 17:03:52 But none of that stuff is ours to begin with. it started with that family line and we are holding it and repeating it until we decide that we don't want to do that anymore, because we don't have to. 17:04:06 And we sure really shouldn't but we do. 17:04:10 So, all of those things are passed down through the records and those often are actually the true origins of many of our own trauma stories, right, like those those repeated things. 17:04:23 Yeah, you've seen it in your daughters right they're repeating the same pattern that you've, you've repeated. 17:04:27 And so it's super important that we identify address and collapse. Those Kaushik stories in our fields and our mother lines and our father lines, and it actually will help our children as well because when we can clear the whole line, we can, we can help 17:04:44 our children, even though they may not want our help, but we've removed it from the behalf to repeating, if that makes sense like we've removed that piece. 17:04:57 And many of us yeah Cynthia. Very true. Many of us are actually here our first mission on this planet is to heal our ancestor ancestral lines like are the whole point of why we're here. 17:05:13 The whole point of why we're here. The whole point of why many of us are black sheep of the family. And we're so different is that we're actually here to, like, shake up and break the cycle. 17:05:24 It's super. 17:05:27 It's a big piece of many, many people stories right, our, our point the point is to change the paradigm to stop the cycle break the patterns. 17:05:36 And so this is a super important key when we're looking at where we start is really addressing our Kaushik and our ancestral stuff because we can't get it out of our fields and you can't see past what we're here to do next, until we clear this stuff. 17:05:52 So very, very important. 17:05:56 The. 17:05:59 The other important piece here is that reading the Akashic records, is another one of those things that everybody thinks is super out of reach and difficult, and it's not. 17:06:09 I made it out to be really really hard. When I started, like, like many of you probably feel like, I can't access them, I can't read them, I don't know. 17:06:20 But the resonance of the energy that we're reading is literally stored in our bodies like it's not some mystical magical place that nobody has to like, give you special access to. 17:06:35 You were literally reading the record that stored in your body and connected to the broader a caching grid. 17:06:39 And so, the biggest, the actual the biggest frequency shift that we have to do in order to read the records is shifting your frequency into that of not, it's being my story, but observing the story from the outside. 17:06:54 And so a lot of times like that's why it can be helpful when you like have sessions or another healer president because they can view your story from the outside, and help you see where it started. 17:07:06 But you learning to do that for yourself, is really really important, because that's where we can start to actually see like, wait a minute. 17:07:15 It's not, it's not this big emotional thing that I think it is. Because if we are still in the emotion in the story in the spin of it. We can't actually get out of it, if that makes sense. 17:07:28 So, a trick that I used to use when I would be in a big scene. 17:07:34 Like, if you know my mind is spinning and I'm repairing the story in my head and I'm totally triggered. 17:07:40 What I would actually do is write it out. What was the story, I was telling myself. 17:07:48 The story that I was telling myself about whatever event was coming up. 17:07:52 Because as soon as I wrote it on paper, I was literally observing it was literally observing it and I can see it really for the bullshit that it was after I wrote it out. 17:08:00 Like, how many stories do we tell ourselves that we know we're just bullshit. 17:08:07 And that helps me shift out of that frequency, so that I could go. Okay. 17:08:13 Cool story. What's really going on here. What's the true like where's this really coming from, and that's where I would start to be able to shift to feel where it was coming from so I can collapse that Cynthia, totally. 17:08:27 Some people are here to be disruptors right trigger people. Super it's, it's important. This is one of the things too like. 17:08:36 No trigger people, they will never see the problems in their field, if they're never triggered. The whole point of your body having that physical reaction to a trigger is to say there's something here, go look at it go address it go fix it. 17:09:04 Super duper important. so there's definitely disruptors out there. 17:09:08 I'm sure I trigger people I used to care I don't care anymore. 17:09:13 Don't like me deal with it. 17:09:15 But yeah, people protect themselves on to you right because you bumped up against a belief in them that may is is bumping up, and then they feel like they have to explain themselves to you because you've bumped up against something so ingrained in them. 17:09:31 And the key for you is to making sure you don't take it personally. And you right they don't want to see it about themselves so that's their issue, as long as you don't allow that production on yourself. 17:09:41 You're fine, like the point is to find the people who appreciate the triggers and I want to clear them out. 17:09:47 Because you can't help people who don't want to be helped right they can't help and heal people who aren't interested in healing. 17:09:53 Just not helpful. 17:09:57 Right, so, reading the records. 17:10:01 I there's many, many ways people do this and get in the records, the frequency shift is the biggest key. 17:10:09 The biggest key is getting out of your head and the emotion and the story and shifting into the role of the observer. 17:10:19 That's another good one. Justin. 17:10:22 You're not I don't think you're actually sending it to everybody but I'm going to share this because it's a super key here, Justin says she sets the intention to clear her records when she sleeps. 17:10:30 And this is something a lot of you, and it's happening more and more and lot of people are doing this and their sleep. If you have dreams about like old relationships that all of a sudden show up. 17:10:41 A lot of times what you're actually doing is collapsing your akashic records in your sleep. 17:10:46 And that's a really awesome way to do it, because you're, you're doing your work in your seat. 17:10:52 Wherever you have dreams that like, I started having dreams about like weird timelines, in, you know, like, you know, before running water so I knew it wasn't this lifetime, but I was collapsing different patterns and things in my sleep for a while, and 17:11:06 that's really really common as we start stepping into this work and start accessing those records so destroying just destroying and create every decided that you're not in your records and trust that your intentions are clear and that you are capable 17:11:19 of doing that. 17:11:22 Okay, awesome. 17:11:24 Okay, so this is a big gigantic topic and not one that I'm going to go super duper in depth in today, because it is massive. 17:11:34 But there are. 17:11:40 Marla How do you know that you're clearing your cache x in your sleep well first of all, ask. 17:11:46 Ask if that's what's happening, especially if you're having dreams that are relevant or all of a sudden like somebody knew from your past showed up in your dreams. 17:11:55 A lot of times we're doing reconciliation and collapsing those things so asking, and trusting the answers, as well as just recognizing when those things come up like allow them to clear and set the intention when you go to sleep, that you're going to 17:12:07 clear those records. That's all you have to do. 17:12:11 All you have to do. 17:12:13 Okay. 17:12:16 So, I'm going to call I calling this soul trauma, because this is a massive massive topic. And I, the biggest, the biggest thing that I have found especially in people who have been through really really really heavy things. 17:12:31 Something that I call soul splits. 17:12:34 And what happens is an event is so traumatic. 17:12:40 So, like this happened to me, right, my realizing that my kids, literally are very likely going to be abused if I don't step in, it's a pretty massive trauma and event is so traumatic that our soul literally splits off. 17:12:58 And it's doing that to make way for support to come in for another being to step in temporarily to take action, or to take to actually take on the trauma, so that this soul doesn't get so traumatized. 17:13:12 I've seen that too. 17:13:15 And so what happens is, when we split off we have a part of ourselves in a traumatized timeline. 17:13:22 So anybody who's ever had a dream about still living with an abusive ex, for instance, Or, every time. Anybody has dreams about their childhood still hiding in that corner. 17:13:38 I've seen so many us so many kids. They have maybe a piece of themselves there, because they're so traumatized by an event that happens, that they stepped out, and another being steps in temporarily to help the situation. 17:13:53 And so oftentimes we have support that comes in to help, whether it's another part of ourselves, whether it's another being entirely that comes in, and we call those they come in as a walk in, they come into this body, and our and literally take over 17:14:07 for a little while. And a lot of times this happened, like when people all of a sudden shift really fast and they get out of a situation. 17:14:14 It's it's because somebody came and helped. 17:14:17 And the original soul doesn't need to take the trauma because we're actually here to do a whole lot and so somebody comes in and like helps out and ships that for us, if that makes sense. 17:14:28 And so, a lot of those walk ins are helpful, not all of them are harmful. 17:14:34 But every situation is unique. There are so also a whole lot of walking through the pain the ass and aren't so helpful. So we have to look at the situation more broadly and that is itself a massive massive topic, but the biggest piece I want to see here 17:14:50 is that those of us who've been through those times. We never stopped to recall all parts of us back to us after we get out. 17:14:59 I had to actively go and find those pieces of me that I left places and pull them back because I kept having the storyline run that this things can still happen. 17:15:09 I kept believing that there was still some possibility that that will timeline would come forward because there was a place where that was true. There was a timeline where I never even left, and there was a timeline where I didn't fight and my kids were 17:15:23 being abused by those things were both simultaneously happening, also why I was here, and fine. 17:15:31 And so this is something, it's a massive massive topic, but it is so important when we look at those big events. Those memories that pop up those big decisions where we went I don't know when I'm going to do this or that. 17:15:47 Sometimes we literally split off and do both, where we leave a part of us in a trauma place that needs to be a comeback that child that's hiding under the, you know, in the closet for instance needs to be told that it's safe. 17:16:03 We're okay so that we can read like reintegrate back itself. 17:16:08 Cynthia. Every time you back out when I. 17:16:12 The fight that you were and he would come back to yourself and was overweight. Yes. 17:16:16 Yes, exactly, that's, that's exactly what I'm talking about. CYNTHIA And so it's really cleaning up all of that, and making sure that there aren't other pieces left of you in those places. 17:16:30 Because, like, the biggest place that showed up for me was when I encountered energy that was very similar to gaslighting. 17:16:38 If I felt gaslighting in my field which was very similar to the manipulative behaviors that my, my ex would do. I would react. 17:16:48 big like 17:16:51 massive reaction, that was a huge trigger for me. But it wasn't because of a cash fix for this one it was because it was that aspect of self still fighting that battle. 17:17:02 And I had to collapse, all of that to go. Wait a minute. That's not that situation, I don't need to have this reaction in this time it's not the appropriate reaction. 17:17:14 It was a trigger, and this was the reason that I needed to address it. And so, so many people who've been through those big traumas, have some version of this going on, like, we this is this is a quantum reality not a linear reality, and we have pieces 17:17:31 of us that are really all over the multiverse. And so, it's so important that if we are leaving any self into in just trauma lines that we call ourselves back to us, and really reintegrate this safety and any integrations that are there still there have 17:17:48 to come down. 17:17:49 So, this is something that like I said it's a massive massive topic, and the walk in topic as big as this the Sol Sol splits is big, but I just want to drop this into your fields that part of cleaning up trauma is more than just the emotions and the stories, 17:18:07 and the mechanics, it's all at it, it is what happened to you on all there's all levels, everything. And we have to address, everything, so that we can move forward. 17:18:21 And the way that we want to. 17:18:23 Okay. 17:18:27 So now, when this is this is a really funny thing because when I first stepped into this work. There was like let's do all this clearing right let's clear our triggers clear our traumas Claire emotions all these things. 17:18:42 But I was like, Well, what, what do I do. 17:18:46 Okay. I'm, I'm better what's, what do I do, what do I do with it. 17:18:52 And it's something that I, I kind of laugh at now because it's not actually talked about as much. 17:18:59 Right, it's very segregated and manifesting and healing but to me they're one in the same. 17:19:07 And that's where this whole conversation about conscious creation comes in. 17:19:13 When we do all of this clearing work, we need to then do something with it, we need to allow the momentum in the build up of what happened to move us into this place where we can create our own reality. 17:19:26 We can step forward and shift things, that is so, so important. 17:19:31 And so, to me, conscious creation is where we absolutely have the ability to use these big events that are hard, and that they were never intended to take us out, like, super key here. 17:19:47 Those big events, they weren't here to teach you some big lesson or to take you out, they were here to catalyze you to go, Oh, I gotta address something here so that I then can be then can is the important part. 17:20:11 Next, right there here to create momentum for us to change. 17:20:08 And rather than sitting in any of that pain, we can heal it and focus on the creation of path forward. 17:20:16 So, how the hell did we do that, right, sounds great. We want to shift our realities. So, this is this is the other big piece here. How many of you have no idea what you've actually flip in one. 17:20:31 I know this was true for me. The only thing that I could, I could figure out that I wanted was like safety and security for my family. And once I got that. 17:20:43 I was like, I don't, I don't even know who I am, how do I don't know what I want. 17:20:47 And this is really interesting because if somebody said you could have anything, I had no clue. 17:20:55 Like, I could come up with small things like, you know, a material item I wanted or. Oh, it'd be nice to have this or that, but I couldn't even picture of come up with, like, something I wanted to create, right. 17:21:09 Totally Marla, like, I don't know what I want. 17:21:13 What am I supposed to mind. Totally. So, this is where, like we have to go back to that time when you're a kid in your, in your, in your imagination, like, if you could go so big. 17:21:27 If you could say, what kind of world do you want to live in like who could you be who would you be like, let's play in that energy, the ability to be conscious creators of, literally, our entire world. 17:21:42 Right, Cynthia says I just know I want to help people somehow on a global scale so that's a starting point. Right. So what kind of world do you want to live in like let's just dream, let's just like you have to allow yourself to get out of this place 17:21:56 where it's too big, right, we have this belief like it's too big, we can't ask for those things so we don't know what we want. I mean, we can't even like know what we want for dinner half the time How do we know we want to, what do we want to be when 17:22:13 we can. Exactly, be like a child, like what kind of what is the what is possible let all of it be possible. What could you create. Let's go into that energy and bring that into yourself, because that's the place where you're starting going to start to 17:22:30 find the things that excite you. 17:22:35 What we're looking for isn't clarity, exactly what we're looking for something that's exciting, like, wouldn't it be really cool if I could, that type of energy is what you need to find. 17:22:47 So, play with it, just dream. Allow yourself to dream. 17:22:52 Yeah, so that's one key Marla but go back further. who were you as a child. 17:22:58 Who were you as, like, a five to six year old. That's the person, we need to we need to like really bring forward. 17:23:06 What sort of imagination creation, did you have that, because that's the energy that's going to help you think of big enough right because we already had a bunch of installations sometimes by a teenager's about what was allowed or who we were supposed 17:23:22 to be. And it's really about get bigger. 17:23:25 What world are we going to live in. 17:23:28 So super important here. 17:23:31 So now we're going to talk about once a week so to me. 17:23:35 Quantum Leap happens when we do this big energy shift. 17:23:40 When we shift ourselves so drastically that we literally jump into a new timeline, and the old one just falls away because suddenly we don't energetically aligned to it anymore. 17:23:50 Like, it just doesn't make sense and we've all of us on the line, this new one that we've created. That's like the magic part that we can create this new thing, and align ourselves to it. 17:24:04 Once we once we learn how to do this, we we literally have the power to consciously create anything in our reality. 17:24:12 And so you have to go big. What would you create, because you have the ability to do so much. 17:24:21 Like if you've ever had you been doing this work and you shifted your energy so much and all of us and you go and you hang out with a friend you haven't seen in a year. 17:24:30 And it's weird, right, like, you don't even know what to talk about, and you're like, I don't, I don't even think we're friends anymore but it's okay because we're just like, not even the same person. 17:24:45 This happens like a lot of times with, you know, friends, we haven't seen a while or, like, jobs that all of a sudden we're like, this was my dream job and now makes sense. 17:24:55 It's because we've, we've literally shifted our energy, doesn't align anymore. And so, you feel it, Cynthia, your energy shifts because all of a sudden you feel like this doesn't make sense like you start to go what like this happened to me. 17:25:11 Why am I in this town Why do I don't have a job I don't have like what am I doing here, like, I like a your pot of water all of a sudden. 17:25:20 And so it's it's it's a feeling, and, like, there's no conversation, there's no nothing so you know you've shifted because everything in you has told you that this is where you align and these are your next steps. 17:25:35 Yes, exactly. Right. That's exactly what I mean like you stop hanging out with them because all of us, it just makes them sound like you have any hard feelings. 17:25:43 It's just like you got nothing to talk about anymore, you're not, you're not aligned energetically with them. 17:25:51 So, strain and create anywhere you've made that a wrongness either because all it means is one of you have shifted. And that's okay. 17:25:59 Right. 17:26:02 Exactly, exactly. 17:26:04 Exactly. So, I have nine steps that I use. 17:26:10 This is basic This is taught this is none of a book this is literally deconstructed from my own experience, but it totally works, and I can use my, my bank dramatic change to show you how this works because it's so flippin fast. 17:26:32 If you can commit. that's the key here we got to commit. 17:26:36 So the way that I do this when I'm wanting to create something and I'm wanting to share something. The very first step and this is the one I like to skip, so we can't stop it. 17:26:46 Skip it is assess the situation and, I mean, all layers, all levels, all dimensions. What is your current reality, right for me when I was going through everything I was going through my current reality was, I had all the lawyers I had all the specialists 17:27:00 they had all the things in place, but nothing is moving, I even had it like CPS report out, and it wasn't happening, they were ignoring me and telling me that it's like that I was wrong. 17:27:14 It's not my current situation was, I had all these players going forward and I felt like helpless. And that was my current reality. 17:27:23 And the next step is to assess the actual timeline that you're on. And what I mean by timeline is, what is this trajectory that I'm currently looking at, and the truth at the time was that I was currently looking at the very very real possibility that 17:27:39 I was going to end up with shared custody with somebody who is likely to abuse, children. 17:27:44 And so, I was doing all the right things I had all the right things in place but that was the timeline I was on was looking very clear, like that like that was even the recommendations coming forward. 17:27:55 That was what everybody was telling me that there wasn't anything more we could do, yada yada yada. That was the timeline that I was on it so we need to look at what's the current outcome of wherever, whatever you're currently looking at. 17:28:08 And the big key here is, if nothing changes nothing in your external is going to change either, right, you just going to have more of the same. 17:28:17 So, the more we're on the same timeline, the more we could you create the same thanks. 17:28:23 So the third step is find your ideal timeline. This is where we dream, what do we want, what do you want to create. Who do you want to be. 17:28:31 This is where the dreaming comes in. This is where we go. Okay. Well, if I could have. If I can have something that wasn't in this timeline, what would it be. 17:28:42 So my, my ideal timeline was a face Yes, stop living in that house just we're focusing on what retreating we're not looking back, none of this actually looks back until later. 17:28:52 So we're just focusing on the outcome forward, of what happens next. 17:28:57 So my ideal timeline, was the right outcome where we were safe and where I think I said like I wanted him to have no more than supervised visitation. 17:29:09 That was my ideal outcome that I was coming to, and was because that was actually as good as I thought it could be, actually, so I was building that as what I was working towards. 17:29:22 But the timeline I was on was one where we were very likely going to share custody. So, you know, are you in a certain job situation. Are you in a certain monetary situation like whatever those things are look at your current reality, if nothing changes. 17:29:36 The outcome is going to continue to be the theme versus what you would like to create, so we're just building those timelines. 17:29:45 And the next step, step number four is what emotion stories and beliefs are in the way. So when I say, Well, why don't you have this thing. 17:29:55 Right. Why, why don't you already have, what you want, what comes up. What comes to the surface what excuses, what emotions. What stories do you have to say about why you don't have that you have. 17:30:20 the idea that I would have to step forward and, like, take ownership of what was going on. Scared me to death. 17:30:21 And I had to acknowledge that fear. I had to acknowledge that I have so many beliefs installed in my field about my role as a mother my role as a wife, my role as all of these things that I needed to pull to the surface. 17:30:43 I have a Catholic Stuff come up. 17:30:46 I had so much stuff, so we have to just do some comparison, when I go, Well, why don't you have that what's in the way. and we just start to identify those things. 17:30:59 And the next step is what needs to be embodied. So this is another thing that I feel like is gravely missed in most of the metaphysical and healing communities, is we talked about clearing, but we don't talk about like installing something new. 17:31:16 And so, if you just take a journey and put yourself in the energy of your future self it has this in this new timeline. 17:31:24 Who, who is that person. what do they feel like, what do they. 17:31:30 What do they believe what like what energy, are they embodying right for me that was a very confident person that was somebody who wasn't afraid to stand into, right, the missing piece, totally missing piece. 17:31:48 And it's never taught, I don't understand. So, talking about it. 17:31:52 What needs to be embodied to shift, because it's not just about clearing. It's about if you're going to shift your energy into a timeline, you've got to fully aligned with it, which means if you're missing the pieces. 17:32:06 You've got it installed them. 17:32:08 Who do you need to be in order to move timelines. I had to be confident, I had to be fearless, I had to be persistent. I had to be not afraid to ask for help. 17:32:20 I had to be somebody who was not going to give up. I had to not allow, I had to have no qualms about spending money right I had to like I had to install all of these things in order to shift it, who that person in the future timeline, was had to be installed. 17:32:39 And so it's easier said than done, but there's some tricks. 17:32:44 Because when I say, well, you need to install confidence, you're like, but I'm not. 17:32:50 There is a place in your life that you are, because the fact that you can create it in a timeline means it does exist in your, your abilities. You just don't currently embody it completely. 17:33:01 And so where do you have confidence maybe it's in one aspect, maybe it's a certain hobby that you feel good about maybe it's in the way that you parent your children, maybe it's in a relationship, maybe it's, it's up anything, literally anything. 17:33:18 What can you Where can you find that embodiment and grow it. Where can you fully get to the point where you feel like a confident magical badass. 17:33:29 That's what you need to get to so that you can really bring that into this now and expand that out into more areas of your life. 17:33:38 So I also in that time really needed to embody like the ability to give this freedom feeling that I was capable. 17:33:56 I had been so stuck in like down and hiding in my every in my house, like I was so afraid that I'd literally wouldn't even say my ex husband's name and my job because I thought they would connect the dots, and I was somehow going to be seen as complacent 17:34:04 in his crime. 17:34:05 I would have literally, I was that far in my hiding. 17:34:08 And so I had to embody like fearless, stand up. Speak up, like I had to pull that out. And so I could find places where I could do that. 17:34:20 I had friendships that I could do that in and I could practice it, and I had to bring that forward into all areas of my life so that I could then step out and shift, if that makes sense. 17:34:30 So find the peace in your life that does exist, of what you're going to embody and expand on it, it really really helps. 17:34:38 Okay. Number six, what needs to be released. So that's the opposite What do you gotta let go of. So all of that fear and that stories, that's the clearing work we gotta let it go we gotta drop it. 17:34:48 We have to decide that we are not going to elect the past stories, the past emotions the past installations, define our future. And by doing that we're dropping them in this now, so we have to release them. 17:35:03 We're no longer looking back, we're letting all of it go. We're releasing it. We're literally uninstalling it from our system. 17:35:12 We have to look at what action needs to be taken. So we talked a lot about what's your next right step what action gets you closer to that next timeline. 17:35:23 And then the flip of this is what's preventing that action. 17:35:28 Right. So for me, that action to take my next step was actually to start stepping out and asking for help, because everybody knows somebody. 17:35:36 And I was too scared to speak about what I had been through, let alone ask anybody for help. So I was just like, giving all my power away but I realized that I had to get louder. 17:35:47 I had to get louder. 17:35:49 And I had to ask for help. But what was preventing me from doing that with all of that fear right so I just had to keep moving. 17:35:56 The other big piece here that was preventing that action is that I still had in my field. Some beliefs running about like other possibilities like maybe I still had some, like smallest piece which is really difficult to say but I still have the smallest 17:36:12 piece like well maybe I'm wrong. 17:36:14 Maybe I still didn't fully trust but I was right about who he was, and therefore I wasn't going to pull all my all my efforts into shifting this because if I was wrong, then I would want to be responsible for taking my children farther away, so I have 17:36:29 all of that circling around and I was still holding open other possibilities. This is the big one here. How many of us go. 17:36:39 Well, this, this thing can happen this thing can happen this can happen and we have so many like trajectories running of all of these possibilities and we have backup plans for our backup plans for backup plans, right, like, super guilty, I do this, and 17:36:53 I have so many other possibilities in my field, and I wasn't focused on one. 17:36:59 So this is super important we have to say this is the timeline I'm creating this is the trajectory I'm going forward with nothing else is on the table. 17:37:09 This is the action. 17:37:10 So, that is the step forward, then you have literally collapse those other possibilities and go. No, This is the one. 17:37:21 And so the last step in this process, and this is the hardest that this is really, this is the clearing step, this is the like magic is we've lifted, all of those things up, we brought up all of that we've talked about the fear we've talked about the 17:37:35 stories all the reasons why we can't we know what our next action is. 17:37:40 So the next step here is, do it anyway. Despite all of it, do it anyway. Shift, jump, take the leap. 17:37:49 That's the moment that our energy shifts. When we say screw all of it, I'm turning into this mystical magical person and I am going to shift my reality. 17:37:59 We change, and we jumped. 17:38:02 That's the method. 17:38:04 And it's flipping magical and literally anything is possible. All we have to do is believe and keep moving, keep taking those next right actions, and keep trusting that we have the ability to shift everything around us, but it starts with shifting us, 17:38:19 because everything else in our external environment aligns once we shift our internal environment, super duper key. 17:38:28 And then this is the other really important piece. So, each next right step means that you're holding both your intention of the outcome that you're holding in that timeline, but you're also wanting the most ease and grace available right like we talked 17:38:44 about pushing the boulder up the hill like I totally am guilty of doing that. But it's about reading in the essence so this is the other big important thing is that so many of us were like well but I wanted this one thing, but instead of focusing on the 17:38:58 exact one perfect specific written outcome focus instead on the essence of what you're creating this feeling I wanted safety and security. I said I wanted him to have no more than supervised visitation but you know what I got. 17:39:14 I haven't heard from man in a year and a half, and my kids are not only safe and secure but we're actually able to move across the flippin country, because what I got was something even better. 17:39:26 I got the ability to completely release all ties and shift into a place that I have total control of my whole world. 17:39:37 But I had I been holding the note, he needs to provide the petition. That's what I would have gotten was that make sense like we need to hold the essence of what we're creating and we need to ask for what we want, but we need to hold space for something 17:39:51 even better to come up. Yes, and that a freedom. That's what I actually got. 17:39:56 And that, like, is the most amazing thing of all because I didn't even think that was possible. But that's actually what I got. 17:40:06 So we also have to be open to pivot and shift with all new pieces of information right when I actually first got my divorce orders, it didn't give him one last chance to show up. 17:40:18 He had like all things to do. And he did zero of them, but I had to just hold the space of like okay let's try this. 17:40:24 And then the new piece of information that he wasn't going to show up, like, Oh, what is possible with this How can I share this How can I bring this into my world, and new pieces of information about now. 17:40:37 Okay. Why did this happen, what can I step into and we just Evan flow with the universe. 17:40:42 Yes, believe that you already have it or having the feeling it's already done. Yes, absolutely. When I put this course together. I have the intention, I'm selling out of my data and it's going to be amazing. 17:40:53 Like, I am setting that intention and I fully believe it's going to happen, because that's the energy I need to have the same was true in my divorce I had to hold it every time it got like shifted or beaten down or order would get denied or whatever, 17:41:06 like, it's hard, but I held the intention, and it really just, like, only took six weeks. It's such a small amount of time to shift to something so massive because it all has to translate down to this 3d reality right it's not like we just wake up one 17:41:19 day and we're I'm a millionaire. But if we set the intention that we're going to shift our, our entire financial situation. We have to follow the steps and the next thing we know our financial situation has changed and we're well on our way, but not if 17:41:41 don't follow the intuitive hits and the things that we need to go forward right so it all comes with this, all of these things build on top of each other. We have to follow our knowing, we have to follow. 17:41:45 You know what we want, we have to create what we want, we have to clear the things in our way. And then the whole, the whole flipping point of all of this is to create and live a reality in which we're all striving, and we're shifting the world to the 17:41:59 one that we want to live in, right, like that's the point. 17:42:04 It's not just to like do the healing work, it's to shift the planet and to step into who we are, to step into the mission that we created for ourselves and to step into the timeline where the planet is, is this beautiful place to be. 17:42:19 And so that's that's the point. Right. 17:42:22 That's the point. 17:42:25 Yes. Yes. Exactly, exactly. 17:42:29 And you have to hold it right. You have to continue to hold it and just know that you are anchoring in the shifts, and you have the intentions, but don't limit the outcome, exactly Holly, perfect. 17:42:43 Love it. 17:42:43 Exactly. Okay, awesome. So, that is the basis of my brand new program. 17:42:54 So, all of that is everything that the new program is going to be. 17:42:59 And it is going to be super fun and I really like I'm super duper excited to fully be launching this. 17:43:11 Everything is all about. We're going to be digging into. 17:43:14 So, it is going to be a 16 week transformational journey. 17:43:20 And we are going to go in depth in every single one of these topics, and more. 17:43:26 And it is my promise to you, is that by working with me, you're going to learn how to combine this quantum energy healing. With that fierce intuitive action with those things that are going to literally, open the door to limit this opportunity and possibility. 17:43:42 Are you going to do something. 17:43:44 Right. That's my promise. 17:43:47 So just to recap, the core pillars of this program and the things that we're going to cover over our 16 weeks together is the psychic expansion, where we reconnect to our five senses, we get back in our bodies, we activate those parts of us that we shut 17:44:02 off to survive, our experiences, turn on and up your medium ship and connect, beyond the physical realm. 17:44:10 We're going to be optimizing our trauma, we're going to look at what happened to you specifically in an energy body when something happened. We're going to look at our physical response and we're going to get you all in the Akashic records. 17:44:24 If you're not already, we're going to work on our ancestral clearing and we're going to talk more about walk ins and so splits. That is not necessarily something I would expect anybody to do on their own. 17:44:35 And so that would be something you would bring to a one on one which will be included. 17:44:40 And then we're going to jump into conscious creation so when we're doing all of this clearing. What's next we have to take the catalyst event for what it is. 17:44:48 And we have to say if there's no limit what are we going to create, we have to find the quantum leap. 17:44:54 And so we're going to go in depth, and we're going to practice and we're going to do the work do the work and make it happen. 17:45:01 Okay, So, you will have 16 weeks with me. 17:45:06 Weekly homework, exercises, all of that. And the more you commit to doing the work. The more you will ship. 17:45:14 There is the online portal right, I've got a JV so all of the class replays, if you miss class or whatever it will be available. 17:45:21 And you'll have lifetime access, or at least as long as I have Gabby access so it's not going away, either. 17:45:29 I'm including to one on one sessions with me. So all of the things that are specific to your experience will be able to come into the one on one container so that I can help you really move them good to use gift boxes, right, because who doesn't love 17:45:45 presents. Thank you, Amy. 17:45:49 What is my presence right I'm getting some, some, 17:45:55 what you call, previews right, I've got my stones. Some other things. And there was also going to be a private Facebook community so everybody who jumps in will have a smaller container where we can talk about everything that we've learned about. 17:46:09 And I'm including my 21 Day Challenge reconnecting to your body. Everybody who signs up gets it for free because I really want you all to do it. It's important. 17:46:21 So that challenge is going to start on September 1 and yes, if you don't jump into the program, I will offer the challenge separately, but it will be included for everybody who jumps in and there's more. 17:46:33 I'm also going to be including at least two additional q amp a classes clearings and healings it's going to, I really want to feel the container of, who has what going on, so that, like, if I need to do more I would do more, like, this is a beta program, 17:46:49 I'm learning as I do, and I want to make sure that everybody has really good clarity on all of the topics. And so there will be at least I'm visioning at least two extra classes for just q amp a and diving in deeper. 17:47:04 Okay. 17:47:06 And what others have said about working with me. A lot of you have never worked with me some of you have that some testimonials about working with me and mentorship working with me and sessions. 17:47:17 I've had some amazing clients with some amazing chefs, and every clients and every student is right we all work together, this isn't all just about me sharing all of what I know it's about working together and finding the way to optimize and help everybody 17:47:33 grow. 17:47:34 So I've had some really amazing amazing clients. But also, like what I bring to the table is my experience and what I have. And so this. 17:47:43 I don't know if my name is still on here but she wrote me This is massive, massive one that I had to share because this, she has been a client that has been my biggest cheerleader, so I love hearing how it's gone just not only for me working with these 17:47:58 people but them as well so super super amazing you are you. Yes, my name is here. 17:48:06 So this is her, her thoughts that she sent me this morning but I wanted to include. 17:48:12 And then the other thing I'm doing is I'm going to guarantee that if you are not happy, if you jump in and 30 days from the first day of class you're like, you're not my teacher. 17:48:22 This is not working for me I'm not happy. I will refund you no questions asked, no risk. I really, really want people to want, and feel like I am the one to help them through this, they need to resonate with my tones, they need to resonate with my story. 17:48:38 They need to resonate with my way of teaching, and so I would rather keep the container clean and refund somebody, then change it so no risk, jump in, try it out. 17:48:51 Okay. 17:48:52 So, I'm only taking 30 people, because this is new and we're trying, and I am really wanting to pour into those 30 people and not do too much, too much so it will be kept. 17:49:04 But you can the cart is open, you are welcome to sign up. If you have any questions, any thoughts. 17:49:11 That was the time my website to sign up semantically king.com slash beta. There is a link, and I will also, I think an email is going out at six o'clock my time, whatever time it is now. 17:49:24 Oh my goodness it's almost six o'clock. 17:49:25 I talked for a long time today. 17:49:28 And so that will go out and I will also put it in the group as well. So does anybody have any questions anybody have anything else they want to ask me, or share, or anything else. 17:49:38 The course is 997, and there is a payment plan available as well. 17:49:46 The I this, I will up the price next time. So this is a discounted price for this. This first one. 17:49:56 Holly, you are super duper welcome. Yes. 17:50:00 Yes, absolutely. You are so, so welcome. 17:50:04 I would love to have any and all of you join me. I am so excited to really fully they bringing this out into the world, the system, like my own manifesting baby. 17:50:15 But I'm ready to fully birth. 17:50:26 It's anybody have any other thoughts or questions or anything, 17:50:29 anything. 17:50:33 If anybody wants to unmute your awesome Welcome to that if it's easier than typing, that's totally fine. 17:50:38 Totally. 17:50:43 You're so welcome Marla so Martha, my perspective on solo mission. 17:50:48 So 17:50:52 that's a big topic. 17:50:54 I 17:50:57 can you ask more specifically what you're asking because I feel like that's a that's a that's a really broad question for a can make it. Yes, yes, yes, absolutely. 17:51:12 So, for example, those of us who come in with the ancestral healing contracts where we are, where the disruptor and our families and our goal is to shift and clear soon as we do that, we get we, it's not like we're just done, and we're ready to go. 17:51:30 Go home. A lot of times that's like the first mission, and then once you do that, then the more information drops in and it changes and evolves. 17:51:39 And I'm learning more about my mission. Now then, I knew a year ago, and we don't necessarily have like all of the information right away and so we just move with the pieces we have, like, I know I walked through what I walked through to catalyze me to 17:51:54 wake me up and to pick up the keys and post to help others through those things. But that doesn't mean that in 10 years that's going to be my focus. I also know that so much other data is ready to come through me to help after the shift and to help evolve. 17:52:10 Further, but I don't have all that information yet. I just know that I'm here right now to do this piece. And then, I'm open for all of that to come through because, as I build my own network and my own connections. 17:52:23 I get more pieces. Does that make sense. 17:52:27 Absolutely. 17:52:30 Absolutely. 17:52:32 And the biggest key to is to make sure that all of the information about what your mission is is coming from you. Like I don't know how many people want somebody else to tell them why they're here and what they're here to do. 17:52:43 But you're not only not going to fully believe it or you can't feel it and embody it until you have downloaded the data, and you really see what you're here to do, if that makes sense. 17:52:56 Like, it's really about you, connecting to you, finding you. 17:53:11 That is so, so important. 17:53:11 Anything else in your question that says triggered by the death of my mom and woke after an encounter with my twin flame. I'm good with that can be a whole nother conversation, maybe even the story that I was supposed to do and not fulfilling my mission. 17:53:25 Okay, right, so that's that's first of all we have to check in right Is it a story. Is it a piece like that part that was part of what you were here to do but it's not all of it so don't let anybody make you wrong about any of the detours either because 17:53:43 they're there for a reason. Like, I, I'm really really good and beating myself up when I didn't do what I thought I should do. 17:53:52 Well, what if that was the point, what if I needed to go through that. So, again, I would have more information for the rest of it yes you can. 17:54:00 Yes, get at the story though that you can shift. Yes, totally. you absolutely can shift it. 17:54:07 You absolutely can find the piece of it that is true and what is next. It's not even about being wrong, it's about what's next, and how do we add layer and evolve, what we're here to do. 17:54:22 Does that make sense. 17:54:26 Absolutely. Absolutely. 17:54:30 Absolutely. 17:54:34 You sign up for courses but then you sabotage yourself. So that's a big one, and this is obviously has to be a commitment. No problem. Thank you my name I know you guys to class. 17:54:47 Have a great thank you for showing up. I really appreciate it. 17:54:50 So so many people do that. It's a commitment to sell. Right. And so, What I will say, and I'm about the container I'm creating and I'm not trying to down or just anybody else's courses because I have taken a load of them myself and I have had amazing 17:55:06 transformations. But what I find is a lot of courses that throw tools out don't recognize that so many people who've been through these harder things they need to be held in a different way. 17:55:19 They need to be in a container that feels supported they need to feel like they're not here. They're not here to unwind their trauma by themselves. And I have found that that has been some places that I have been in in his felt like that. 17:55:33 And it's not a wrongness in a sense it just, it was difficult to unwind it and it really is difficult to fully unwind the stuff we walk through alone, and we're not flipping supposed to either. 17:55:46 And what I want to do is create a, not only a container where you have people to support you, but you have one on one support on top of the learning, so that we can look at your specific situation, because a lot of times the sabotage is we bumped up against 17:56:00 a resonance of something still there, and you don't you don't even see it or know how to deal with it. 17:56:05 And so it's really important to find somebody that you feel like can hold the container and old. What you walk through and help you fully understand it. 17:56:20 And that's just that's not a bad thing it's just, it's it's so hard to deal with our chips by ourselves. 17:56:28 It really really Yes, and I have some amazing friends that helped me when I exactly were peeling the onion with layers that were coming back exactly so it's just a piece at a time. 17:56:39 I have some amazing friends that will hold me when I'm bumping up against something that I'm hitting because I can't always fix it myself like I can recognize that I met a friend. 17:56:49 I can pull some of that out but I can't. 17:56:52 It's it's so difficult to fully unwind ourselves, alone, and that's why we have people. That's why we have soul families that's why we're all here is to find the people that are really. 17:57:06 Exactly. And that we're meant to work together. 17:57:08 I am so much stronger because of the people I have around me. I can't do this alone I don't want to do it alone, but fun. 17:57:17 Right. 17:57:19 What fun would that be. 17:57:22 So, any, any other questions. 17:57:28 You know what I can make sure to check Facebook I stream to Facebook, but I didn't actually 17:57:37 just a couple comments there, most people aren't doing good. 17:57:41 Good. 17:57:43 Alright guys, well, we are, we went a full two hours, I totally was a talk so fast. I was worried I was gonna run through this really quickly but we got a full two hours in a hard time asking for help, Queen of I do it myself. 17:57:58 I was the three year, my mom will tell you. 17:58:01 She's not. 17:58:02 Sometimes she joins at three years old me do it. 17:58:07 Everything, and I have been me do it girl, my whole life, I get it. 17:58:18 But what some point we can't write, we can't we can't go further without support, and we cannot find, and it's, it's not just like support it's finding the people that really are our people. 17:58:29 And so it don't make it a wrongness that you haven't let everybody help you. They may have not been the right person, but it's time to start letting the right people in like it's time to start really letting them help and hold and help you unwind because 17:58:44 that's what's going to make you the person that you're here to be to help activate others right like the more it's a it's a domino effect. 17:58:53 Exactly. We have to learn to be a community. 17:58:56 Absolutely. 17:58:58 Absolutely. 17:59:00 Okay.