The Milky Way

A Community Collective

Have you been on the hunt for YOUR people?

You know, those that just get you. Those who see you and support you in a way no one else seems to. 

Do you feel the call to do something bigger in the world?

Do you just know all the hard stuff was preparing you to be a part of something bigger than yourself? 

Are you ready to take radical accountability for your life?

If this is you, my friend you have found your people. 

This community membership offer is me answering the call... the call to bring us all together. 

As a collective, as a community, to lift each other up, support each other and bridge in everything we know we are meant to become. 

Welcome Home dear friends. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us! 

This is for you if ... 

  • You feel called to explore more of yourself, and of your healing journey, with like minded people
  • You feel called to unlock more of your own gifts and magic
  • You know deep down you have an important mission on this planet that is ready to unlock
  • You desire a safe community of support to call home
  • Perhaps you simply can't explain why you're here, only that you felt the call 


This isn't for you if ... 

  • This all sounds like work and you want a done-for-you healing solution
  • You see me or anyone else as a guru or the one to heal you

A beautiful thing happens when you come into community with like-minded people. 


Possibilities and potentials about who we are and what we're capable of just appear. 


Unlock your gifts, your magic, your purpose in the world. 


Support others, and receive support in return. 


WE ARE ALL MAGIC!!! It's time for you to find your own! 


Join The Milky Way, a safe container to explore and activate YOUR unique magic. 

Founding member price for first 100 members!

 What's included in the Community Membership?

  • Access to the Private Community, hosted through Kajabi Communities
  • Bi-Weekly Live Channeled updates for the Collective
  • An exclusive meditation library
  • Special guests, interviews, and exclusive offers
  • And more!

The Milky Way Community

$20 / month

Month to Month

No commitment, cancel anytime - no questions asked!

Join Us Today

Hi, I'm Amanda.

I'm an international bestselling author, public speaker, energy healer, and trauma advocate.  

I started my healing journey in 2020 after the most challenging time in my life. That time sparked a fire in me to do everything I could to spread awareness and support to others who were still struggling. 

Today my goal has grown to spreading my message as far and as wide as I can across all demogrpahics. If I can support the masses in understanding their own trauma, their individual body systems, and how they can use their story to empower their lives, we together, can and will ultimately empower humanity and the world.

Lets change the world together, 