Hi, I'm Amanda Quick

Author, Speaker & Advocate







At some point in our lives we are all presented with a choice. 


Do we want to live in the world that we create for ourselves?


Or the world that is chosen for us?


Join me, in the greatest evolution of your life!


It's your time to

Trust YOUR Truth & Own YOUR Power 


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Quantum Coaching

Spend 3 months with me One on One exploring and stepping into the most expansive version of YOU!

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Discover your Energy Type

Learn the basics of my method, The Energy Type Framework, to help you understand your primary energy connection. Through that connection, you will find your own path to wholeness, create safety within yourself, and help you heal from past experiences. 

By healing ourselves, we learn how to become the creator of our own beautiful personal reality. 

Read the story of how I stepped into MY power

 "The Sex Trafficker's Wife: A Story of Truth, Faith, and Trust in Self"

Now available on Amazon, and wherever books are sold

Get the Book Now

Hire me as your Writing Coach!

I became a #1 bestselling author in less than 30 days by telling my BIG story.
If I can do it, so can you.

Deep Dive Planning Session 

Perfect if you don't have any idea where to start and just need to get a plan together.

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Writing Coaching 

Perfect if you want help staying accountable and need more direct support with the process.

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